Edublog #8

My subject is Haitian revolution was a war about anti-slavery and anti-colonial between the slave owners and the slaves in 1791. The subject is talking about how the slaves broke free of the slave owners control and battled the slave owners. The slaves broke control by having numbers that overwhelmed the slave owners and the slave owners have so little numbers to fight the slaves. As a result, the slaves won the battle and the slave owners lost the battle in 1804. This is the first time, the slaves finally gain agency over their lives instead of the slave owners taking agency away from them. Now, the slaves have freedom and the slaves owners is tasting defeat.

The slaves was being oppressed because oppression really mean slave owners were abusing and exploited the slaves by treating the slaves like a thing (dehumanization) and using them to whatever they want . Because of this, the rebellion happened with slaves against slave owners to claim back their freedom and respect as human beings.

The group of people who was the oppressor is the slave owners because the slaves owners were abusing and exploiting to make dehumanized slaves to help the slaves owners purpose to gain ¨power and money.

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica are the authors who wrote the article. These authors has a  website in the link. This website was last updated in 11-9-2016.

“The island’s indigenous population, forced to mine for gold, was devastated by European diseases and brutal working conditions, and by the end of the 16th century the people had virtually vanished. Thousands of slaves imported from other Caribbean islands met the same fate.¨

I don’t think this article or website is trustworthy because this website might be fake or true, in terms of information and evidence. In the section that I read, it didn’t say the author actually witness the events or heard it from somebody else.

The category of oppression is political oppression because oppression really mean that the slave owners forced the slaves to follow by threatened the slaves to do as they told.

The level of oppression is institutional because the slave owners made laws to the slaves in order,  to keep the slaves in check and stay in the system.

The slave owners didn’t treat the slaves as human beings instead treated as things (dehumanized) and the slaves didn’t at least earn money for their hard work. The slave owners took all the money. The slaves are forced to be struck in a endless loop of slavery until someone is brave enough to stand up against the slave owners.

The slaves started a war because the slaves are tired of being treated less of a human being and being inferior to caucasian. The war is to declare if slavery are allow or abolish slavery, once for all.

The slaves refused to follow or work for the caucasian anymore and to prevent that happening to again, the slaves started a war to end this endless loop of torture. The slaves had numbers of africans and by having numbers, the slaves owners couldn’t beat an overwhelming numbers of africans. As a result, the slaves won by greater numbers. The slaves owners lost the battle to their “inferior” enemies that had power over the enemies.

Yes, the war did help the slaves to gain their agency because the war helped them to gain agency from the caucasian that was taken from them in the first place. This is the first time, a war ever happened to gain agency that was taken in history.